What is a season of stillness? This is a season where everything seems to slow down. It may follow your graduation, when you are in...
Toxic relationships
In today’s post; I’ll be covering toxic relationships broadly; not necessarily referring to couples but also toxic family members and...
Hair Care; Cold season edition.
With drizzle, rain and in some cases snow; your natural hair is bound to get frizzy, shrink and experience all kinds of knots and tangles...
Hair Crush; Chloe x Halle
There has been a lot of buzz around the Bailey sisters, following the announcement that Halle will play Ariel in the live action remake...
Caring for braids
Oil your scalp This one is probably a no brainer lol. Even without braids it is important to oil your scalp, with braids you should...
June Picks
Promise;this will be a super brief article, highlighting a couple of the items I fawned over in June that I feel everyone should consider...
Jazz up your braids
One of the many perks of protective styles are the versatility; not only from the wide array of styles you can opt for, but also how to...
What To Consider Before Protective Styling
The objectives of protective styling are giving your hair a much needed break from constant styling and encouraging it to grow. If not...
Being more productive.
Morning This is literally the most important part of your day, what happens in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day and...
How To: Style Natural Hair With Flexi Rods.
Get the perfect flexi rod set each time. Flexi rods, shot by Alex Njeri Flexi rods might have been percieved as a relatively odd addition...