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Being more productive.


This is literally the most important part of your day, what happens in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day and ultimately determines how productive you’ll be. This is the time to be making all your positive affirmations, saying a prayer.

This is high key a life skill that needs to be taught; ever since I started praying first thing in the morning I have seen a literal shift; not only in my productivity but it my mood as well. Starting with a prayer of gratitude the very moment I wake up has allowed me to start my day off happy, feeling blessed and thankful. I then almost immediately follow that up with a prayer for protection, Isaiah 54:17 and Psalm 91 are pretty great, (even if you don’t identify as Christian, do feel free to google them. A lot of prayers cut across the religious board). This really helps ease anxiety, as well as giving you confidence to go out and do everything you had set out to do.

Morning,Image by wix.

Positive affirmations

Speaking your goals into existence is not only encouraging, but it also gives you a sense of purpose and direction. Going over your main goals out loud as though they already are is an insanely powerful way of getting things to actually happen. You can do this in the shower and as you go about your morning routine, each day.(But remember you’ve got to put in work as well to see results!). Constantly reminding yourself of your goals will allow you to hone in on what you need to do that specific day, to make each of them happen.

Planning over the weekend

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” (Read that in a high pitched mom voice.) As cliché as that is, it is very true. Failing to plan ahead will not only leave you confused throughout the week, it will also leave you feeling over whelmed. That is the exact energy you do not need to carry with you through the week. Simply sitting down on Sunday and going over everything you’d like to accomplish that week would allow you to avoid that entirely. It’s an even better idea to allocate a day for each of those things. This will allow you to get through all your tasks seamlessly and stress free. Investing in a planner or an app with a similar concept would be of great help.

This should also apply to food; the amount of time you spend rushing to put together a meal eventually amounts to a lot of ‘lost’ time at the end of a week. Fast food often becomes a ‘convenient’ alternative, until it’s not. Try coming up with a meal plan over the weekend, including exactly what you want to eat and when. Clear some time (Sunday’s are the best tbh) and prepare all the ingredients that can be set aside ahead of time. A meal plan also allows you to shop for exactly what you need, eliminating those annoying mid-week store runs for ingredients.

Track your progress

This just involves glancing over your plans in the middle of the week to track your progress. If you’ve managed to check most of them off, that’ll give you the encouragement to get through the rest of what might be a taxing week. If you haven’t managed to do as much as you would have liked, this would be a good opportunity to figure out what the cause might be, and how to fix that (and finish your week on a good note).

Blend your routine; work content creation around your routine. Image shot and styled by Alex Njeri.

Blend your routine

This is something I have just gotten down, if you keep up with my blog you may have noticed I seemingly stopped posting around March, this is because I found myself swamped with school work and additional projects on the side, leaving me no time to create any content for my blog. That was until I l started documenting the bits of my daily routine related to my content; this simply meant setting up my camera and shooting whatever I was doing with my hair that day, as opposed to setting up shoots for specific hairstyles. These are the images that I then use when putting together a post. If you make any type of creative content, chances are you are already super into the topic the content falls under, try filming/shooting aspects of your day that involve that more and you will find yourself with a whole of a lot more to work with.

That is all for this (lengthy) article, I hope you found some of the info here helpful, thank you for checking it out and I hope to see you on my next one!


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