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Natural Hair Problems (And How To Fix Them) I

Image from wix

Dry Hair

One of the most common (and frustrating) natural hair problems, just general hair problems has to be dry hair. As Dry hair can be brought about by several factors, pin pointing when your hair is most dry would serve as a good indicator of what the issue may be ;

Always dry;

Indicates the hair just isn’t properly moisturized, try using the L.O.C method. If you already are using the L.O.C method , try brushing or combing the hair as you apply the product. This will ensure the product is spread out evenly. If you have thick hair, it would be best to apply product to sectioned hair (4 sections work best)

Dry after a few days ;

If your hair is fine after wash day, but gets very dry after a little while, this means you need to moisturize more often in between your wash days. Spritz a mixture of Leave in conditioner and water on your hair, accompanied by a light coat of oil once in 3 days, however, if your hair is still dry, a daily spritz of the same should help (just don’t add oil daily if you wash your hair once a week)

Wearing a satin bonnet/scarf or using satin pillowcases will also prevent your hair from getting dry as you sleep.

After washing;

If you notice your hair becoming uncomfortably dry after every wash, chances are your hair is stripped of all its moisture. Washing your hair should get rid of all the dirt, not all the moisture, if this keeps happening try swapping to sulfate free shampoos. If you already are using Sulfate free products, then maybe Pre-pooing will help. Pre-poo refers to applying oil 30 mins to an hour on your hair before washing it. This ensures your hair doesn’t get super dry & matted after the wash.

Itchy Scalp

Allergies or Irritation

Check the ingredient list on your products to make sure you aren’t allergic to anything, alternatively, shop for organic hair products that bear ‘hypoallergenic’ on the packaging. As for hair food, I’d advise switching completely to natural hair oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, Jojoba oil, e.t.c (very few people are allergic to natural oils such as olive oil)

Synthetic hair such as the one used in wigs or even braids can irritate your scalp, certain chemicals used to treat the hair are known to be very irritating for sensitive scalps, if this happens steer clear of synthetic hair for as long as you can.

Dry Scalp

This is the no.1 cause for itching, before I changed my hair regimen, my scalp was almost always itchy because it wasn’t properly moisturized. I used hair food from a popular brand back then (cough, cough Miadi ) & that just didn’t work for me. It was only until I began using coconut oil that I found permanent relief. One of the benefits of coconut oil is actually relief from itchiness. Try to oil your scalp a minimum of once in three days.

Still haven't found what your looking for yet? the second part of this post Natural Hair Problems (And How To Fix Them) II is now up . Thank you for checking out this post !

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