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That's So Goals ..

In the last keeping it 100 post (which was a while ago, eek.) I mentioned the article was brought about by one of those instances we often have, (atleast I think most people do) where something relatively unimportant leads to a deep train of thought. Well, that has also led to this article.

I had just realized this month marks a year since I started my blog *cue flashing imagery of confetti and those annoying, whistly thingy’s they have at kids’ parties*, and that got me thinking about a lot of things. Like for starters, how much things can change in a year, not just achievement wise but in terms of personal development. I believe the two tend to be interlinked, or at least they should be. Here are a few things I have picked up on over the past year.

Image from wix

Own pace

Everyone’s journey is different, so is everybody’s purpose. The feeling of being stagnant or not doing enough can easily wash over you (a little social media will do the trick lol), I think everyone can relate to this, regardless of what stage in life you’re in. What has helps me get past that is remembering the afore mentioned; everybody’s journey is different, at some point everybody encounters obstacles in their path, but as opposed to them being barriers, they pose an opportunity to learn, to rid yourself of self - doubt or even shed a counterproductive habit/mind set. Any pressure we place on ourselves tends to be brought on by a mere glimpse of somebody else’s life, which makes it pretty silly considering it is just that, a glimpse.

At the end of the day, we must all keep in mind life is not a race, we all have different destinations which will require us to take different routes, so move at your own pace.


‘If you fail to plan you plan to fail’, I can’t tell you the number of times my mum has said that, (in fact as I type it out I can hear it in her voice). As cliché as it is, it is the absolute truth, ‘adulting’is hard enough as it is (literally started adulating like 5 mins ago lol) so going into it, or anything for that matter, without a plan will most certainly not end well. Life coach Tony Robbins suggests breaking down life goals into chunks i.e break them down to yearly goals, which you then break down into monthly goals and finally weekly goals. This way you know exactly what you need to be doing and you can keep track of your progress. If you realize you are not getting the desired outcome, you can easily change tact.

Make moves

As fun as daydreaming about goals can be, merely dreaming about them won’t turn them into a reality, only with action can you start to actualize those goals, the first step should be planning, then taking action. Sometimes your goals can seem monumental, and the thought of doing anything to actualize them can be overwhelming, but once again chunking is the answer, you’ll also find as the difficulty in whatever you need to carry out increases, so will you confidence.

On that note, I need to take my own advice and figure out wtf I need to be doing next week, lol. As always, thank you for checking out this post and if you would like to keep up with the latest posts you can subscribe here for a monthly update.

Xo - Alex

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