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7 Must Have Hair Styling Tools.

Bungee hair ties

Best invention since sliced bread, bungee hair ties are perfect for thick hair. Any hair really, unlike traditional hair ties, bungees are elastics with a hook on either end, allowing you to wrap the hair tie as many or as few times as you like. This lets you switch up the size of your puffs/ponytails from loose to super snatched. For thick haired girls (and guys), you no longer have to deal with constantly snapping hair ties, and for those with finer hair, a hair tie that only goes around thrice (- _-)

Bobby pins

No need to state the obvious , bobby pins are a must for any hair type. If you plan on wearing your hair in any up do, or even swept to the side, bobby pins are a must have. To keep your bobby pins safe , place them in an empty tic-tac container, it is small enough to keep in your purse and is the perfect size to accommodate the pins.

Wide tooth comb

A wide tooth comb is the ideal comb for detangling your hair, the wide “teeth” allow the comb to gently separate any tangled strands that may be in your hair. Using a comb or brush with denser bristles may actually cause a lot of breakage if used for detangling .

Denman brush

If you are looking for definition, the Denman brush is the comb for you, after detangling with a wide tooth comb, going in with a denman gives your curls great definition as the denser bristles get to interact with smaller sections of hair, defining the curls. Denman brushes are also great at distributing product throughout your hair. Remember to brush from end upwards to the roots even if you have already detangled.

Flexi rods

Think of flexi rods as rollers flexible cousin, If you opt to style your hair without heat, you can use flexi rods and leave them in overnight for the curls to set. Flexi rods are made of foam and are comfortable enough to sleep in, they can also be bent and twisted in whichever way you like. This lets you get a variety of waves and curls from the same rod set.

Crocodile clips

Another hair tool that makes styling much easier , crocodile clips allow you to section your hair while you work on it . Crocodile clips are much longer than regular clips, making them perfect for holding thick and/or long hair in place while you style it.

Plastic Cap

If you’re doing your hair at home, or even at the salon, wearing a plastic cap over your hair as you deep condition or protein treat causes the products to penetrate deeper into the hair shaft (heat increases absorption). There are actually microwavable caps specifically for this. I did find a great hack if you are not looking to use a microwavable cap or dryer. Heat some water in a kettle, take it off before it gets too hot and pour it over a small towel. Wring the towel completely and wrap it over the plastic cap, this generates 2x more heat on your hair than just wearing a cap and sitting in the sun. (Thank me later ;-) )

Where I got each of the items:

Bungee hair ties and flexi rods,: pre/ordered from BeautyStudioKe.

Bobby pins, Denman and plastic cap: Foodplus Yaya.

That is all for this post guys, thank you for checking it out and happy Easter !

xo - Alex

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