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Natural Hair Problems (How To Fix Them) II

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Another super common hair problem that can also be caused by allergies, If you have issues with dandruff be sure to check the labeling on your hair products to see what you may be reacting to.

The more common causes of Dandruff are either a dry scalp or improper cleaning of the scalp. Having a dry scalp can cause the itching and flaking often associated with dandruff and can be treated w coconut oil (or any other deeply moisturizing oil ). If your scalp is getting that dry, you may want to switch to sulfate free hair products if you have not already.

Shampooing either too often, or not enough can also cause dandruff, Afro hair should ideally be cleaned once a week, thrice a week at most (if you apply a lot of hair products often.) once in two weeks at minimum (but waiting this long should only be under special circumstances) going longer without cleaning your hair would cause buildup from hair products that clogs your hair follicles, Leading to dandruff.

Dandruff can also be caused by skin conditions such as eczema, if you suspect that may be the case, it’s best to see a dermatologist.

Hair Loss

Yet another super common hair problem, hair loss or excessive shedding can be caused by several factors too, though it’s a little harder to tell exactly what the cause is sometimes, below are the main ones.

Lack of moisture ; poor moisturizing of the hair itself can and will cause a lot of hair to break off, be sure to give your hair the moisture it needs by using the L.O.C method, indicators that this is the cause are really bad tangling & your hair texture feeling coarser than usual.

Aggressive handling ; “treat your hair like silk” should be the guideline when handling natural hair, Improper detangling often leads to severe breakage, as annoying as tangles are, do not rip them out of your hair. Instead slather on a generous amount of conditioner onto your hair, and detangle from ends to roots with either a wide tooth comb, your fingers or a Denman brush (takes much longer but is very thorough) detangling upwards makes sure you don’t comb any tangles down (would cause a tight knot to form at the end, eventually breaking off & leaving split ends)

Traction alopecia

How you style your hair might also cause hair loss, Traction alopecia is hair loss brought about by constant tugging on hair strands, this can be caused by weaves, or even protective styles such as braids, Bantu knots and twists. A protective hair style should stay in max 3 weeks, after that you may experience breakage from the weight of the hair. Even when Bantu knotting or twisting your hair, make sure you’re not placing too much tension on your strands. You can make your hairstyles firm without being uncomfortably tight (being unable to sleep is a pretty good indicator your hair style is too. damn. tight)

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a condition that causes someone to lose hair when they are stressed out or have other pre-existing medical conditions. If your hair is very healthy but keeps falling out, its best to see a doctor as this maybe a sign of a general health issue, with hair loss being a symptom. If you do have Alopecia Areata, it can be managed but a doctor would be best placed to let you know how.

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