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Minimalist Style

Nothing is quite as aesthetically pleasing as a minimal outfit,as few items as possible paired together, in muted and dark tones ,creating an effortlessly chic ensemble. The simplicity of the entire look allowing you to appreciate both the individual pieces and symmetry of the look.

Man, I can go on and on about this or I could give you a few tips on how to put together a minimal look of your own (I'm guessing you chose the latter? lol)

'As few items as possible' ; This is basically the philosophy behind minimalism, and it applies to dressing as well. Avoid piling up item upon item of clothing when going for this look,only wear what you need : top, bottoms, shoes, coat (if its cold).

'muted and dark tones' ; Minimal outfits look best when all items are in neutrals, or you can go for my personal fave, all black (all noir ;-) ) as neutrals allow each piece to stand out equally,which is often the goal.

'Effortlessly chic' ; To avoid being boring or dull, add a few accessories , as plain as possible. I would go for a simple watch paired with a plain ring set for accessories. A basic pendant would do the trick as well, with gold pendants being particularly striking against a black top/dress.

Overall, the idea is to create a look where all the items are balanced,but experimenting with shapes definitely makes this kind of outfit more fun!

Thats all for now guys, thank you for checking out this post !

-xo Alex

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