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Aussie Moist : Deep conditioner review

Aussie Moist 3 Minute Miracle Deep Conditioner:

Deep Conditioning after a wash is vital to restoring moisture in natural hair as well as preventing tangles, making the styling process way easier. Looking up deep conditioners online, I was overwhelmed by the number of deep conditioners that were suggested but one in particular kept popping up, you guessed it, Aussie Moist’s 3 minute miracle deep conditioner. (And no, this article is not sponsored by any of the brands mentioned)

Aussie moist d.conditioner, shot and styled by Alex N

There are actually quite a number of them, each with a different main role, the blue label one’s main role being to moisturize.

Its packaged in an 8 oz. container, and smells beyond amazing, it’s a lot thicker than most deep conditioners and like with most thick hair products, a little goes a long way .

I have tried over rated products out before so I did kinda hit this product with a lil’ side eye (more like scoffing at the miracle part) but I have to say, I was really surprised at how soft and moisturized my hair became, both when it was in my hair and even after I rinsed it out. After the first application my comb basically slid right through my hair (yup, definitely a miracle). It also leaves your hair pretty shiny ,especially if you rinse it out with cold water (which is how you should ideally wrap up washing your hair as cold water closes your hair follicles, keeping all the moisture in)

As most reviews I looked at were by youtubers/bloggers with looser curls, I wasn’t too sure how it would work for me but after several uses I would definitely recommend this for anyone with type 4 hair. I have 4a hair and Knotting at the ends of my hair has been an issue for me, but this deep conditioner provided more than enough slip to untangle those pesky knots without excessive breakage.

The best part; It only needs to stay in your hair for three minutes, most naturals will tell you the most exhausting part of washing natural hair (aside from the arm workout that is detangling) is sitting around for 30 mins to an hour waiting for your deep conditioner to soak into your hair before you can rinse it out, but Aussie moist clearly found a way around that. (Thank God)

All in all , if I had to rate this I’d actually give it a straight 10/10 honestly. I got mine from Foodplus at Adlife plaza but its stocked in a lot of their other stores as well.

That’s all for this post !, thank you for checking it out

xo - Alex

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