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Who is your woman crush?

Image from wix

Do you ever have those moments where something rather meaningless leads to a deep train of thought? Yeah, I had one of those the other day. Scrolling through my feed I saw a WCW post of a celebrity that really got me thinking. I mean that person was 100% WCW material, but what exactly is #wcw material? And when was the last time you, yes you, even thought of yourself as your own woman crush?

I guess subconsciously most of us draw the distinction between ourselves and those we deem praise - worthy based on our distorted views of perfection. We rarely get to see the behind the scenes lives of those we adore and regard as ‘goals’ and simultaneously, live out our own behind the scenes. Only we are truly aware of every flaw and short coming we have. Only we know the true inside and out of our own lives, this acknowledgement being the reason we would rarely consider ourselves our own women crush, and when I say woman crush, I mean more than a social media post, I am referring to truly appreciating someone.

However, if you really think about it, only you are aware of your own truth, your deeply personal struggles and the challenges that you face every day. Only you know exactly what it takes to be you every day. The more I interact with people, the more I realize that we all have something difficult that we have been or are going through. In most of the cases, I wouldn’t have guessed anything was wrong, not because of anyone attempting to be fake, but because of the grace that the women I have been fortunate to interact with carry themselves through these situations with.

Just this weekend I was left in awe of one of those women, who despite going through a difficult time, still cared enough to inquire about how I’m doing. I thought of many women who like her, probably don’t realize how amazing they are, how amazing it is that they can continue through life,as kind and caring people despite the challenges they face.

If you’ve been around long enough, you’ve probably been dealt a band hand or two from life, when was the last time you acknowledged how much strength it took you to get through that? How much strength it took and takes, to cope with some of the curve balls life tosses at us, you may have barely gotten by/barely be getting by ,but you know what? Your still here, and That’s pretty fucking awesome.

Such is life that only we are truly preview to all our experiences, the highs and the lows, we should remember to appreciate both, appreciate our lows, our flaws and our shortcomings, more so our ability to soldier on despite them. Despite it all we somehow manage to keep it moving, and that is the reason ; you should still have your fave celebs as your woman crush every Wednesday, but you ought to be your woman crush every day.

Thats all for now, thank you for checking this post out

- xo Alex

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