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Figuring Out Your Curl "Type" (with pictures)

Curls come in very many shapes and forms, therefore figuring out your's can be a little confusing. This article is devoted to helping you understand what it is I am talking about, and understand more about your hair in general.

Hair types.

As you shall come to realize from the slideshow above, curly hair comes in very many forms,from loose curls,to large and small corkscrew curls,to loose coils and tight coils, and even a mix of any of the a fore mentioned.The common Hair typing system is a simple way to classify our hair into groups which share certain characteristics, the defining characteristic being curl pattern. (the way your curls, well…curl basically)

They are classified from type 1 to 4, each with a range from a-c. Curly hair being under type 3 and 4.

How to identify yours?

I find that freshly washed hair is the best to begin with when trying to figure out your curl type. Just look at your hair and see which of the second image it resembles the most or pluck ONE(we aint trying to go bald!) hair strand and see which of the second image it resembles.

It is important to note that damaged hair does not curl up and appears straight even when wet. Look out for fresh growth which is closet to the roots to make it easier to determine your hair type.If you still aren't sure, have a quiz to help you identify your hair type which you can take here

It is very common to have more than one hair type , I have 2 (some have up to three) so it can be a little confusing at first.

At the end of the day, all curls are created equal, and I wouldn’t make too big a deal over curl pattern (this is an actual issue for some people guys). I believe one should know their curl type solely for knowing which products and methods would work best on your hair.

Below is a list of my fave YouTubers with various hair types, feel free to watch their content to learn more about your hair AND remember,The similarities with curly hair are much greater than the differences within the hair type. Most of all keep in mind,whether loosely curled, tightly curled or tightly coiled, all curly hair is bomb AF, so embrace your texture and enjoy your natural hair journey!

My fave YouTuber's with curly hair:

Below are channel links to my fave YouTuber's with curly hair, I've found helpful tips from all of them and I'm sure you will too:


Type 4:

That is it for this post. Thank you so much for checking it out, See you on my next one.

-xoxo Alexandra

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